Pentacam Camera app for the extreme subcultural masses
Pentacam camera app for all your subcultural aesthetic needs!
What is better than a great song?
An entire great album!
And what does a great album need?
Some awesome album art!
☆ Pentacam makes custom album art of your pictures!
☆ Pentacam unleashes your creativity with unique filters, crafted for extreme subcultural aesthetics!
☆ Pentacam has tons of symbols and fonts to go along with the theme!
☆ Pentacam has the option to print your pictures on your unique merchandise!
☆ Pentacam is free!
Easy as 6-6-6
1. Take a picture or load one from the device gallery
2. اقاصيله لتنسيق غلاف الألبوم
3. Apply a kvlt filter
4. Add diabolic symbols
5. أضف نصًا بخط TRVE
6. حفظ النتائج وشارك مع العالم!
ملاحظة. لا تنس التحقق من ذلك كبضائع!
Pentacam is for you to express your love for extreme music, be it Hard Rock, Shock Rock, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Punk Rock, Hard Core, Grind Core, Glam Rock, Hair Metal, Doom Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Industrial Metal, Grunge Rock, Alternative Rock, Gothic Rock, Psychobilly, Nu Metal, Djent, Math Core or you name it!
Or maybe you are into the Avant Garde, Noise, Power Electronics, Drone, Dark Ambient, Black Ambient, Industrial Music, EBM, IDM, New Wave, Post Punk, No Wave or Emo? Pentacam just may have some aesthetic treats for you as well!
Pentacam is still in early days, but is in active development and there is more to come!
This app has a mature content rating as it contains references and symbols that some people may consider offensive. These symbols and imagery is common in rock music and other kinds of popular subculture at least since the seventies. If you find symbolism like that offensive, this app is likely not for you.
If you have found this app on your childs device and believe the included content to be inappropriate, we respect your opinions fully. As a parent you set a good example by being involved in the life and showing concern for the well being of your child. We do not think that playing around with tropes from rock culture is harmful. Our suggestion would be to sit down with your child and explain why you find this app inappropriate. Listen to their reasons why they find it attractive to use. Maybe you could reach a compromise? If not, you may want to look into parental controls on the mobile device of your child.
الكلمات الرئيسية:
metal cam, metal camera, rock cam, rock camera, album art, album cover, photo filter, merch, merchandise, custom, print, t-shirt, clothes, poster
فيما يلي جميع الإجابات التي تم اجتيازها في كل اختبار في الإجابات في مدرسة Ounabara المهنية في مثل Dragon: Pirate Yakuza في هاواي.
نعم ، أنا أسيء استخدام التعريف ، ولهذا السبب أستخدم لاسو.
تمتلك لعبة الرعب Repo مجموعة من الأعداء الذين يحاولون منعك من جمع جميع الأشياء الثمينة التي تحتاجها للفوز. للبقاء على قيد الحياة ، تريد
احصل على lowdown حول كيفية التغلب والتقاط Quematrice في Monster Hunter Wilds حتى لا تترك من هذا الدجاج.
تعرف على كيفية فتح الترتيب العالي في Monster Hunter Wilds واستعد للطحن أمامك وأصدقائك.
إذا كنت متعصبًا لألعاب الفيديو ، فإليك أفضل ألعاب الطاولة التي ستجعلك تضع وحدة التحكم الخاصة بك.
يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من Pentacam! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!